Sustainable Development Goals

ECON 346: Economic Development

This course focuses on the economics of developing countries from a comparative perspective to economic conditions in developed countries. The course emphasizes the need to distinguish growth and development as distinct conceptual categories driven by different, context-specific structural characteristics and conditions. It explores the processes by which countries enter into a stage where the standards of living of the masses of people are increased and these increases are sustained over time. One of the central issues in economic development is the issue of economic growth. Other issues include poverty and inequality, the Colonial legacy, the environment, institutions and globalization, technological change, the role of the state, multilateral institutions as well as the importance of gender. This course focuses on both the macro and micro issues that are central to growth and development.

May 2024 · Sayorn Chin
Risk Aversion for Different Types of Investors

ECON 251: Intermediate Microeconomics

The goal of this course is to develop a sound understanding of microeconomic analysis and reasoning, while exploring the relationship between economic analysis and human behavior. Much of the course will focus on key theoretical models which are used to investigate a variety of specialized topics. We will model how individuals make optimal decisions when facing constraints as well as how firms make their decisions and interact with one another. We will pay close attention to the assumptions behind economic models and to the techniques used to analyze them. With this foundation, you should be more able to readily apply economic reasoning and theory not only to upper level economics courses, but also to real world issues.

August 2023 · Sayorn Chin